Top Message


Japan is facing an urgent need of innovative changes in its economy and social systems.

Rapid transformation of the current environment such as high aging population with low birthrate, globalization, and ICT revolution is calling for a new system. And to have these new systems, it is necessary to read the trend of the times appropriately, form values that go beyond stereotypes, and to create and construct new types of values. So now precisely, "value management" is the key of this era..

Since April 2013, we have been a consolidated subsidiary company of Development Bank of Japan Inc. to take one step further to achieve our continual success in making a better economic society for our country..

Finally, your continued support will be greatly appreciated..

PresidentTsuyoshi Sakuma

Management Philosophy

  • 1.To be a professional group of creative and innovative consultants and researchers

  • 2.To maximize the use of our expertise by strategically combining our research and consulting services

  • 3.To provide solutions to the problems of our various customers including individuals, firms and public sector entities by creating new values

  • 4.To provide the best solutions for our clients by emphasizing problem solving processes and teamwork and working closely with the clients to accommodate their needs

  • 5.To contribute to the societal development and our clients' prosperity by adhering to personal responsibility and market principles

About VMI

VMI's History

We Value Management Institute, Inc.(VMI) are an inheritor of Long Term Credit Bank of Japan Institute of Research & Consulting, Inc..

And since April 2013, we have been a consolidated subsidiary company of Development Bank of Japan Inc.

About DBJ Group

Under a corporate philosophy that emphasizes neutrality, public mindedness and partnership with other financial institutions, DBJ will devote ourselves to financially supporting the recovery measures and the future growth of Japan through our diverse and specialized financial services.

Company Overview

English Name
Value Management Institute, Inc.
Otemachi Financial City Grand Cube 15F
1-9-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100-0004, Japan
June 25, 1993
75 Million Yen
Development Bank of Japan Inc. , Japan Economic Research Institute Inc
Tsuyoshi Sakuma
Number of Employees
31(as of April 1st, 2024)

Organization Chart

Organization Chart


July 1969
Management Research Institute was established as a consulting division within Long-term Credit Bank, Ltd.
April 1983
Long-term Credit Bank Management Research Institute, Inc was founded
June 1989
Industry Reserch and Economic Research Division of the Long-term Credit Bank, Ltd merged with Long-term Credit Bank Management Research Institute, Inc and was renamed Long-term Credit Bank Research Institute, Inc.
June 1993
Consulting service department spun out from Long-term Credit Bank Research Institute, Inc and Long-term Credit Bank Research Consulting, Inc. was established.
January 1999
Long-term Credit Bank Research Consulting, Inc. was renamed Value Management Institute, Inc. after Asatsu-DK Inc. became its co-owner along with Long-term Credit Bank, Ltd. (currently named Shinsei Bank).
December 2001
After a Management and Employee Buyout from both of its former shareholders, Value Management Institute, Inc. became an independent management company.
November 2009
Business alliance was formed with Development Bank of Japan Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiary; Japan Economy Research Institute Inc.
September 2010
Investment from Japan Economic Research Institute Inc. was made to Value Management Institute Inc.
April 2013
Investment from Development Bank of Japan Inc. was made to Value Management Institute Inc.
November 2016
Head office relocated


Otemachi Financial City Grand Cube 15F
1-9-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100-0004, Japan

Direct connection with Otemachi Station
Toei: Mita Line
Tokyo Metro: Tozai Line, Chiyoda Line, Hanzomon Line, Marunouchi Line

7 minutes walk from Marunouchi North Exit, Tokyo Station

*Please come to the DBJ group general reception desk on the 15th floor directly by elevator from the entrance of the first floor.